Keith ZS6HI
Licenced Since
How you started
Teenager CB radio fun
Most Memorable Contact
QSO’s from the back of a mini train
Best part of the Hobby
So many facets to explore, exciting.
Favorite Modes
DX and local phone on HF and FM on sats
About Keith
Keith really enjoys the multiple facets of the Amateur Radio hobby as he feels that there is so much one can learn and get involved in, whether you are young/old/love the outdoors or prefer to stay at home.
His station consists of a dual band mobile radio with a Diamond X200 for 2m and 70cm, and an Icom 7300 built into a Go Box for HF, that is typically coupled to an End Fed Half Wave multi band wire antenna or a home brew seven band Hex Beam mounted on a home brew, mild steel, square tube telescopic mast that can be raised or lowered with a hand operated winch.
He uses Log4OM as his logging software coupled with WSJT-X or FLDIGI for digital modes, and chases satellites with a dual band HT and Amsat Yagi.