Richard ZR6DE
Licenced Since
How you started
I’ve been interested in radio for many years. Then ZS6KB convinced me to do the course and the rest is history.
Most Memorable Contact
Indonesia on 40m - my first DX contact. Unfortunately not confirmed.
Best part of the Hobby
The variety - there really IS something for everyone.
Favorite Modes
I enjoy experimenting - satellite, fox hunting, antennas etc
About Richard
I love the outdoors, especially hiking and camping when I get the chance.
I’m more into berg than beach or bush.Since I was a child I’ve always been interested in design and technology, and anything unusual.
A few years ago I coached the Lego robotics team that won the national FLL League competition 3 years running.
I’m also a geocacher and was surprised how many hams are also geocachers.
So many things to do, and so little time…