Kevin ZS6KB
Licenced Since
How you started
The Voice of America (VOA) shortwave live broadcast of the first moon landing in 1969. This led me to amateur radio years later.
Most Memorable Contact
First SSB DX (Indonesia), First complete SSTV image from the ISS, First FM satellite contact and the furtherest QRP SSB contact (Joburg to a ZS2 station).
Best part of the Hobby
The broad aspects of the hobby and the constant learning.
Favorite Modes
Currently SSB on HF, also Digital Voice (Dstar and DMR)
About Kevin
The radio bug bit when, as a schoolboy, dad and I listened to VOA live broadcast of the Apollo 11 moon landing. This led to me enjoying shortwave listening for a number decades. Initially I listened to broadcast stations and later discovered Utility stations - these are any radio transmissions that is not a scheduled broadcast station. They included Marine, Aircraft, Time Stations (used to check the current propagation before the internet was available), Number stations, Hams etc.
My current set up consists of a Kenwood TS480SAT, Yaesu FT857D, a Xeigu X6100, a Dual Band VHF/UHF radio and Dstar and DMR HTs. I operate HF portable mostly due to HOA restrictions and the small property I own. I am a late starter to digital modes and am trying to learn CW.
I give my time for Scouts JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) which is an international annual Scouting event and also facilitated the callsign ZS6BSG for the 1st Bryanston Scouts.